Born With It

So is it an illness that alot of Somali guys lack the humility factor????? Could it be that all these years of babying, extreme nurturing, and excessive SPOILAGE (re: Locke on Property) is actually biting us in the you-kn0w-what???? We moved out of Somalia with nothing to our names, but somehow hooyo always managed to sneak a silver spoon for little Cabdi. Its odd, its like we've lived a parallel lives.......all these years we thought we were brothers and sisters, when in essence "they" are actually a new breed of species.......destined for........a string of failed marriages and a litter of children sprewn across the world.............
Are they born with it??? Or did we encourage their behaviours????? Lack of humility and too much pride..............well........................we all know what happened to Icarus
Please, dont start me about boys. Somalis have a sick twisted notion that it's better to let 'boys be boys' when in actual fact they need dicipline and a good thrashing and always limit, restrict, and deny the girls which are more often than not more educated, responsible, hardworking etc.
There needs to be some serious change going on.
True. And they wonder why some Somali girls prefer to look elsewhere.....
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